
Insights, best practices and latest news from the team at Honeystone

We’ve just open-sourced our application context manager for Laravel

Not to be confused with Laravel’s new context library, this package can be used to build multi-context multi-tenant applications. Most multi-tenant libraries essentially have a single ‘tenant’ context, so if you need multiple contexts, things can get a bit fiddly. This new package solves that problem.

Your website should be as good as your business

Experience earned over two decades has taught us that online success is about using the right tools, to do lots of seemingly little things really well. In this article I am going to share just some of the best practices Honeystone follows to build successful websites. The more of these things that are done right, the more successful your website can become.

How a TypedCMS built website gives my business and my clients an edge over site builder websites

In a world where credibility means everything and website visitors take .05 seconds to form an opinion of my business, I wanted my website to make a good impression fast. I found that the TypedCMS built website offered by Honeystone checked off all the criteria on my list.  

Creating content to get you noticed

Content for the “suggestive” stage of the SIMPLE content model is either off your website or is picked up from your website by search engines, scraped off and then used to index your site.  The “suggestive” phase of content creation addresses the beginning of the buying cycle - the time when people are searching for a product or service to solve a problem, but probably haven’t visited or even heard of your website yet.

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