
From branding and print design, right up to full stack software development


Beautiful and effective design

We adore beautiful design, and we strive to create stunning, captivating and memorable experiences. However, we know that for a design to be effective it must have utility, and it must meet customer and business objectives. A design that doesn't do these things simply doesn't work. Effective design (the best kind of design) is user-centric, effortlessly easy to use, clear, and engaging – a truly satisfying user experience tailored to your target audience and absolutely on brand.

Honeystone uses a mixture of graphical design tools, such as Adobe Illustrator, and ‘in-browser design’. Every project goes through a planning phase starting with requirements gathering, requirements specification and information architecture. This lays the bedrock for your lo-fidelity wireframes, the beginning of the design phase. These wireframes will help us to determine the location of information, and its relative importance within your website or application. We follow this up with graphical designs incorporating key components, and in-browser design to fill in the gaps. Our goal is to understand your brand so well that we can carry it thought even the smallest of tasks without a second thought.

  • UI / UX

    User experience and accessibly are at the heart of our designs. We strive to achieve both visually stunning and intuitive user interfaces.

  • Brand Identity

    Your brand is the embodiment of your business and philosophy. It communicates more to your customers than anything-else. It needs to be right.

  • Responsive

    Responsive design can adjust & adapt to any device, from a smartwatch, up to a cinema screen. 

  • Print

    Years of experience creating traditional print campaigns.


Experienced software developers

We take an iterative approach to projects, allowing you to make decisions, and adjust to changing requirements, as the project progresses. We utilise version control, issue tracking, test driven development, pair programming and code review to ensure a scaleable and stable codebase.

Honeystone uses modern software development practices and principles to deliver high quality, stable and testable software. We primarily focus on OO (Object Oriented) languages/approaches, but have experience in other paradigms as well. Our projects are always built on high quality foundational frameworks and incorporate stable and well maintained libraries. We do not customise off-the-shelf solutions, install themes or plugins. 

We love modern frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, Vue.js and React. Unfortunately, we do not fix WordPress websites, but we can help you upgrade to a more professional solution.

  • Front End

    Modern HTML, CSS, JavaScript & Web Assembly. Anything from simple static sites, all the way up to full-blown SPAs.

  • Back End

    Completely custom server-side applications, such as CMS & eCommerce, are standard fare. We have decades of experience writing bespoke software solutions.

  • Quality Assurance

    We maintain the highest standards and practices. Everything we build goes though QA checklist, static analysis, unit testing & code review. 

  • Testing

    Project stability ensured with test driven development and static analysis.


Building your brand and generating leads

We understand there is no "one size fits all" approach to digital marketing and take the time to really understand your customers, your business, your brand and your goals. Blending traditional marketing techniques with the innovations of modern digital marketing we empower you to drive traffic, build brand awareness and evolve leads into brand participants and advocates.

  • Digital

    Explore ways your business can be heard.

  • Traditional

    Consistent brand experience across touch points.

  • Social

    Drive traffic with a well-managed social media presence.

  • Search

    Organic Search Engine Optimisation techniques.

Find out how we can help you

Book a free discovery session and start turbo charging your online strategy