How do we get information?

Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you for one of the following reasons:

  • You have provided Information through your completion of our on-line website forms, website registration (creation of an account on our website) or from any email you send to us.
  • You have made an enquiry to us.
  • You wish to attend, or have attended, one of our training events.
  • You have requested product and/or service support.
  • You have participated in a survey, competition or promotion.
  • You have provided feedback, reviews or testimonials.
  • You subscribed to our e-newsletter.
  • You have applied for a job or secondment with us.
  • You are representing your organisation.

Updated 22nd of July, 2021

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Cover image for We’ve just open-sourced our application context manager for Laravel

We’ve just open-sourced our application context manager for Laravel

Posted by George Palmer

Not to be confused with Laravel’s new context library, this package can be used to build multi-context multi-tenant applications. Most multi-tenant libraries essentially have a single ‘tenant’ context, so if you need multiple contexts, things can...

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